Many protein powders have them, glutamine is a popular one, this article says it can potentially benefit people with liver problems.
Doesn’t whey protein powder have BCAAs? I think it does.
Yes most do, but they make BCAAs in powder form too.
I take protein shakes with Matcha green tea powder and fish oil sometimes when I diet instead of eating.
I do the same lol, I have this muscle pharm whey/casein stuff and I mix in matcha, I found this stuff called colossal whey that’s $39 for 5lbs on eBay and amazon. Optimum nutrition has really tasty powder but it’s expensive.
We get our protein from Costco on special, the isolate is 40$CA/5lb, the regular one is 30$CA/5lb. We get the regular bcz its too close to the isolate, its a mix of isolate and concentrate. I choose chocolate one bcz it has cocoa which has antioxidants.
Wow great price! Yeah I think the difference between isolate and concentrate is minute and really only matters when you’re working out 2-3 times a day lol, blends are probably more than adequate. Oh yeah, so you get double antioxidants with the matcha too, smart. Did you ever use creatine? I used it for a month back when I lifted and it just made me feel bloated lol.
No but my friend did. He said it fills muscles with water so they look bigger lol
If you eat enough protein it already contains a lot of BCAAs, so I just see it as another gimmick. I would spend my money on collagen instead, since it’s not widely available in the diet. Unless you can find a good source of tendons or bother to cook bone broths.
Methionine intake that’s in animal protein needs some aminoacids found mostly in collagen for optimal metabolism.
That’s how it works in muscles, but it’s also good for your metabolism.
My parents take that along with glucosamine and biotin for joint pain and for hair loss. It slows hair loss maybe but it won’t grow back my lost hair
Yeah, but as I already mentioned metabolism, it’s also good for your liver at least, not just tendons, nails, and hair.
Hydrolized collagen is better absorbed from what I read.
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