Despite my ongoing death wish I’m often scared I’ll simply dissolve into nothingness, but more often the fear is that I will become the object -table, wall, etc.- that happens to be next to me. Anyone with this particular fear?
If you were to expire I believe you would essentially become a wall table or chair. Not any specific one just become part of the dead stuff in the universe
No doubt, but unfortunately for me my anxiety is more immediate, the fear of becoming a specific, already existing, chair or wall.
Really no one shares this fear?
I often feel like my brain is dissolving. My mind is getting broken into pieces and handed out to demons.
It’s not fear.
It’s real.
It’s not going to happen.
It has happened already.
I’m air in air
I feel like that when talking to people I don’t know. It feels like my head becomes a cloud that hovers around the room and that people are talking through me.
I’m about every object out there. The distinction between alive and dead, conscious or unconscious, is illusory. Unless I’m lying.
No, not at all. My religion (Catholic), protects me from these kinds of fears.
You mean your faith gives you strength to fight psychotic thinking?
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