Anyone online for chat?

Feeling lonely. Anyone online for chat?

Hey @Star84 what time is it where you are?

It’s 1.41 in the morning. What time is it where u are?

It’s 5:45 PM here in California.

Any plans for day?

Oh sorry I see it’s night time. Did you get up to much today?

A slow evening – Just watching the evening news and eating some barbecue chicken pizza.

Cool pizza’s good. Are you happy with elections?

Yeah, I’m happy. Trying not to go into detail since we’re not supposed to talk politics. I’d have to flag myself. :smile:

Oh ok I guess it’s a controversial subject. I’d like to visit California especially San Fransisco.

San Francisco is a beautiful city. Unfortunately, there are a lot of homeless people in San Francisco and pretty much everywhere in California. It’s really sad to see all the people sleeping on the streets and in encampments under the freeway overpasses.

That’s very sad. Must be hard to see. I imagine California to be liberal. I might visit one day.

Hello Star. I’m just laying in bed listening to the radio.

I’m getting a new DVD tomorrow in the mail! :slight_smile:

Do you have anything planned for today?

No it’s early hours of the morning. My sleep pattern’s a bit messed up. Sleeping in day and awake at night.

What DVD are you getting?

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I’m getting the 1970’s version of Nosferatu.

I had to order a used DVD since Amazon only had it on bluray.

Cool. Enjoy. Dcgvbggbhhgggfghh

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We are in the same boat.

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