Anyone on benefits?

Wow. How didja get hourself into this mess?

You can have both, If I remember correctly you can work only part time. I once wanted to apply but I gave up after I tried to get free college tutuition, (and they said I need to have expensive medicine and to live with my parents).
By any chance you know if I can benefit from it with the single reason that I am sick? My insurance pays all my meds and therapy

That sucks dude.

I risked credit on business ventures. My hindsight tells me that I shouldā€™ve done some paid work first and risked that capital instead.

Yes, only part time now. Anyway, howā€™s your portfolio doing? Any new additions? I managed to not screw up my first day of work, so itā€™s so far so good. Now I am knackered, even if I didnā€™t do much but listen to a guy talking to me all day.

Guess Iā€™ll be better when I do the actual work.


960ish USD. Plus the state pays my Medicare premium as well as an additional insurance through the state. I get $15 a month for Snap plus I take advantage of the local food shelf. Also pay $21 a month for med insurance. :slight_smile:

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SSDI? What state.

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Yup! SSDI. State of Minnesota. :slight_smile:

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I donā€™t know why you were worried, you seem like a nice person and also one who impose respect and its respectfully with others.
These first days of the month I will give up clients who did not make any payment at all to my manager as heā€™s trying to help me gain a decent salary, he will give those organized and ā€œpay on timeā€ clients to me. I have almost 70 and I think I will reach 100 these days.

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More money more fun for me. I donā€™t need friends, I donā€™t need a girlfriend. All I need is money!!

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You know how to take advantage. I like you. I remember how I used to commute 2 years whitout buying any ticket/abonament

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I am so grateful for these programs. I know Iā€™m lucky and I donā€™t take such things for granted. I just wish others could utilize this type of helps. :slight_smile:


$1100 per month, most of which goes to paying off student loans. Iā€™m on Medicaid/Medicare, so my meds are free. I also donā€™t pay rent as I live with my folks

You can get them discharged. Look into it.

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You are working?

nope, not working at the moment. I am looking for a job, but not sure if Iā€™ll lose my benefits if I do get one

Maybe you can keep it if you work part time

thatā€™s what I need to look into ā€“ if I can keep my benefits while working a part-time job

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Look it up plus working have others benefits other then money

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My mother who worked for almost 15 years donā€™t have a salary this much