Anyone Japanese, I'm thinking of taking Japanese next semester?

Just fyi I’m American but i like Japanese culture and i need to take 3 semesters of a language to graduate. I was thinking about taking Japanese. I know its one of the hardest languages and all that. But anyone who was born learning Japanese what are some things I should know before taking the class or any tips about Japanese language? Thanks!

i think @bananatto is from tokyo…
take care :alien:

Don’t take it at 7:30 in the morning while your idiot boyfriend forces you to drive him to stupid ■■■■■■■ kickball at 10:00 at night the night before your class!

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Yeah, I’m from Japan.
You can ask me anything if you have questions about Japanese :smiley: @Kazuma

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Thanks I was just wondering anything i should know before taking it as a language since I need to take a language to graduate from college and was thinking about Japanese. Also what makes it so challenging for non native speakers.

Grasping the idea of an object, when you are used to thinking in terms of a subject, is what I’d say. The way a thought is put together is different than it is in English. @bananatto, what did you find the most different when learning English?

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Well, Japanese is completely different from English.
The sentence structure is different, pronunciation is different, and we don’t use alphabets we use kanji(漢字), hiragana(ひらがな), and katakana(カタカナ). (I hope your PC can display these Japanese symbols)

What I found most difficult when learning English was its pronunciation, but for English speakers it’s not as much problem as there’re similar sounds in English.

I think the hardest thing for you would be kanji. It is even hard for me too. But you can get by with hiragana, in a pinch.

Japanese sentence structure would be like this - I apple ate. (=I ate an apple).
You don’t need an article here. But everyone knows it’s ONE apple.


I would stick with Spanish. It is much easier to learn. Although if you get into business then Japanese might be a better language to learn. Good luck!

I going to learn Japanese too. I want to live in Japan. I just need to go to school.

I want to learn that two at some point some of my coworkers r hispanic and it is very popular and very easy