Anyone held a human brain with their hands?

I felt powerful lol Never thought mine will be sick one day. We dissected human bodies, a lady, in university. Brain, liver, muscles, nerves, etc I hated the liver, it was hard to pinpoint its parts, its just a chunk of dark meat that all its parts look the same lol


It’s just a shell, though. Without the spark of life it really is a bunch of meat.

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Cool bet that was “dead” interesting


It holds our thoughts and memories.

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Is it squishy though? :thinking:

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Yes and no. They aren’t completely contained within this dimension.

I swear those covid testers are scrambling my brain matter when they stick the swabs way up my nostrils. The ood from Doctor Who also hold their brains in their hands. The globe lights up when they talk.

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Yes its “jelly” but its held together. They smell bad though because lab instructers kept spraying them with a chemical to prevent decomposition.

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I had nose surgery, polyps, and my sinuses were filled with a white tissue, I got a severe headache when the surgeon pulled it fast, felt like he took my brain out.

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I dissected a human brain in my A&P class. And a sheep brain, but the human one was way cooler.


It’s interesting how a human brain works, like exactly how it works.

I held a flea’s brain once, it was very small.


No seriously, It is interesting how an elephant’s brain is bigger than ours, but we are still way smarter…and it is interesting that, for example a fly’s brain is way smaller but it still has thoughts and isn’t stupid.

It’s some flappy part that only humans, dolphins and chimps have. It’s what sets us above as far as intelligence.

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They can dissect me all they like for “science” once ive pegged it. Im hoping it would save on the funeral!

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How’d it taste?


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I ate sheep brains lol My dad used to eat it so he made me try it. I didn’t like it, its too greasy, too much fat and cholesterol.

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I held lungs, they were placed on a platter and it really made me realize that I’d better quit smoking


Does it count if it was still in its original packaging?


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