I know I don’t have Sz so it may be different, but I am wondering if anyone has had TMS? I have bp1 w/ psychosis, schizotypal, and gad. Saw my pdoc today and he is going to refer me for TMS and is hoping they take me for this, and if they won’t take me he is referring me for ECT. He said because I want to do things but I am held back and stuck especially Ithe early day so it’s like I get catatonic, and because I am trying hard but it has been years and no progress in this area of doing more. I can do things later day and evening, or when forced because my family needs me.
Anyone had TMS? Is it inpatient or outpatient? What is it like? How did it help? Hanging on for hope. I used to be a passionate person now it’s like I’m dead inside. Just want some life back in me. Feel free to share ECT experience too I had this in my teens and it worked but caused memory problems. Thanks