Anyone from Canada? how's it like there?

My husband and I want to visit Canada or maybe even live there and we want to know what it is like there. Especially the Toronto area.

Hows the people? Weather? Culture? Government? The attitude to immigrants and Muslims? And food, services, medical and psychiatric care?

Thanks for your input :blush:

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Doubtful you’ll be allowed to immigrate with your medical history, immigrants are expected to not be a burden on the health care system.

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I live mid Canada. If I was to move it would be either east or west coast.

I hope you like it cold.


Countries don’t have emotions. Canada is a country, a legal and political concept. It’s the people in the country who do. Canada has more or less 37 million people. Often the question isn’t “Do you like immigrants?”. The question is, “What sort of immigrant do you like (or don’t like)? Those 37 million people have lots of different opinions.

Canada is about as tolerant a place as you are going to get. However it is not wise for an immigrant to push the bounds of “reasonable accommodation.” I would tell any immigrant, know your rights, do not accept discrimination, but make your culture a contribution, not a wedge. A lot of immigrants do this very well and thrive in the Canadian labour market.

Medical care is handled on a provincial level, and there are small differences between provinces. Most provinces in Canada have some form of the Service Ontario or Service Canada model of single-point government office for getting a drivers license, health card, marriage licenses or other documents. Most jobs, even service jobs, provide supplementary health insurance and coverage for most of the cost of drugs.

With more than 60 different Canadian visa categories, you may be able to immigrate to Canada and, yes, there may be a fee. Without knowing specifics, it’s difficult to provide anything but a general answer. It would be better to use the Government of Canada Immigration and Citizenship tools to determine whether you are eligible, what type of visa, how much it will cost, and how to apply.


What they dont take people unless they are in perfect health? Sounds narcissistic.

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You’re asking the guy who has been waiting three months and counting for a replacement pacemaker why we don’t want any more strain on our health care system? Gee, that’s a real head-scratcher.

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I heard that Canadians pay lots of money in taxes.

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Does Canada take in refugees?

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I can’t mention what is said about a certain politician who has an attitude like this in the us.

I’m sorry you haven’t been able to get your pacemaker must be frustrating

That’s how immigration policy is in almost every country. No one wants the disabled.

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Yea that’s true but not really since a lot goes toward healthcare which we then don’t have to pay for upfront so it kinda works out

Of course! Trudeau has done a good job keeping boarders open in that realm

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