I find it much easier and better to write than by talking.
yes, i can write and type stuff out very well but i get anxious with talking and conversations are so fast paced that almost everyone i have talked to probably thinks i am just very quiet, i have alot of thoughts on stuff most of the time just not very good at speaking
I can put more thought and consideration and editing into writing - and I can’t think on the spot in conversations. I went on vyvanse and it helped me socially though, (but apparently shouldnt take it with Sz, I do t have). But even with the med I still have to rehearse conversations ahead of time but when I write it comes out easier. I have to use a lot of strategies in conversation and socializing.
To a certain extent -yes . I’m not too good at processing things in face to face situations requiring a quick response .
Writing is definitely more easier than talking for me! I love writing
I´m out of practise on both.
I’m much more confident in writing than speaking. I’m a dork.
I write better than I speak. I draw blanks a lot now in conversation and I think it’s from social anxiety. Then I’ll realize what was said when I’m by myself later.
I wrote two crime novels, good reviews, before my sz disorder made it impossible to write coherent.
I’m very bad at verbal communication, so whenever i meet my psychiatrist i write a page long note about my status.
I don’t have good social skills most of the time and not many people to talk with irl. Mostly because of my isolating and thought disorder.
I love to write tho i resist expressing meaningful writing… i dont know why.
For me it is the other way around.
I use speech to text to write, and text to speech to read.
I just don’t have the energy often to do otherwise.
Welcome to the forum
I use speech to text to put text messages together it helps me not forget what I am saying quickly. but with speech to text I can still edit or delete things too. It the conversations that leave me drawing a blank the most
Yep, I use text to speech for editing big time. I always find a bug or two and then fix them.
Sometimes writing is easier for me, because I have more time to find the words I want to use.
Writing is easier. At least it was until i found I can’t type on touchscreens well.
Yes this is the story of my life, I have been always good at writing but very bad at speech.
I can not think well while I talk, while I think clearly when I write and that I have more time to edit and delete.
But when I have came across MCT oil and ALCAR things have been improved a lot and I’m now good at both writing and speech.
I can think clearly and speak very well and also I feel that my thoughts are organised while I speak.
NAC is good as well in that terms but not very potent, however, NAC is good I think to balance everything.
Try above stuff and see how it goes with speech.
Also try B complex and Omega 3.
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