Anyone experienced with these meds

I was in the ward for a few days and the doc there suggested lamotrigine or amisulpride
Do those work on paranoia?

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Yes, amisulpride (commercial name here is Solian) works well for psychotic symptoms.
I’ve been on 800mg which is considered a very high dose. Unfortunately it gave me restlessness and I had to stop taking it.

Lamotrigine might be a mood stabilizer, not sure.


I took lamotrigine. I think it’s a mood stabilizer, for bipolar disorder.


I see. I’ll consider that
The doc said it’d be combined to clozapine which I’m on

Idk why a mood stabilizer though, I’m not depressed or manic

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Amisulpride is a good med. We have it in my country.

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I took lamotrigine for a few weeks but had to come off due to side effects.

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Amisulpride is a really good med I think. Not many side effects and my doc says it’s almost as effective as Clozapine.

Can get restless on higher doses though and it does raise prolactin but I’m happy on it.

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