My Doctor that is in charge of my nutritional needs diagnosed me with IBS.
She recommended that I start taking a probiotic everyday for overall health.
Today I bought Align capsules and took my first dose.
Does anyone else take a probiotic supplement?
Do you notice a difference?
I heard that probiotics help with anxiety as well.
I’m hoping for positive results.
Hopefully it will help with diarrhea.
Diarrhea is one of the most common side effects associated with taking fish oil , and may be especially prevalent while taking high doses. In fact, one review reported that diarrhea is one of the most common adverse effects of fish oil , alongside other digestive symptoms such as flatulence
Yeah it could be many things contributing to my diarrhea including higher amounts of magnesium in my multivitamin, fish oil capsules or even the 2000mg of metformin.
Plus my IBS.
If you get yogurt with active probiotics, it would be much cheaper. Also, some kinds of fresh sauerkraut has it, too. There are more, but I can’t remember, @Leaf.
LS! When I had diarrhea for three months half a year ago, my nutritionist advised me to try kefir. Daily I have 500 grams quark (curds), a liter of skim yoghurt with bifidus, a small bottle of kombucha and a bottle of skim kefir. I have read that probiotics especially bifidus aid in muscle building.