Anyone else take ibuprofen for sensory overload?

I had an autistic meltdown over sensory overload and when that happens I take 800 mg ibuprofen and within a half hr I’m calm again


I think the idea that it could help you calmed you down rather than the ibuprofen. Ibuprofen doesn’t actually affect you psychologically

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Yeah i think that might be placebo. About half an hour is the normal time that a panic attack or anything will calm down naturally.

It wasn’t a panic attack. It was a sensory overload that lasted hours and Ibuprofen works every time. It’s an anti inflammatory drug and sensory overload causes inflammation.

I take ibuprofen and paracetamol together for a cold. It works wonders.

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I have not ever had sensory issues resulting in inflammation issues so far as I can tell. I am someone with chronic headaches and I have Ibuprofen stashed all over (e.g. pill holders on my keychains and in all my first aid kits). It hasn’t made my sensory overload any better. I took Ibuprofen on my last four hour river run as my helmet was giving me a headache and I can tell you it didn’t help with my wetsuit making me nuts. It presses on me the wrong way, almost everywhere, all at once. I hate it. But I would hate hypothermia much more so I power through the discomfort and wear the wretched thing.

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I have never considered that application of ibuprofen. Be aware that taking a maximum dose of ibuprofen (800mg) on a regular basis can disrupt your menstrual cycle. I had a pregnancy scare after dental work directly caused by ibuprofen in high doses.


Ibuprofen is anti cancer. It might reduce toxicity.

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I’m allergic to it. Hives and swelling.

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I think mine might be related to migraines. I don’t get severe pain but I get all the other symptoms.

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Are you seeing a neurologist soon? I have ocular migraines in one eye due to my TIAs so my neurologist has me on meds for migraines. Ajovy and Nurtec as prn. It would be worth it talking to neurology and seeing if migraine meds help your symptoms at all. It’s better than taking too much ibuprofen. I can’t take it because it causes stomach ulcers.


I’m seeing a neurologist soon for seizures and paralysis

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