I’m bored right now. I just got my box delivered by UPS, and now waiting for the news to come on.
What’s going on with you?
Not much. Just got done changing taglines. Now, just catching up on threads from when I was sleeping.
What did you get delivered? If you feel like sharing of coarse.
I’m just laying in bed… messing around on my phone.
I’m just relaxing with my animals and scrolling this forum. Really bored out of my mind.
Im lying on my couch watching a show about the stock market. Idek why. It’s making the boredom worse but I’m too depressed to get up and change it:/ Checking the forum to pass time til the next episode.
Thanks @Bowens @bittercat @anon61987434 @Moon
I couldn’t get my No Added Sugar cereal from the grocery store, so I ordered six boxes online.
Not doing much right now. I just found my Medicare Part D bill and am going to send them a check. That’s about it.
I’m usually not bored. I enjoy my own company and always have.
Gonna play an instrument soon.
Thanks. I appreciate your reply.
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