Anyone believe their ideas of reference are ‘contagious’

10 years ago I thought this was the sum of all fears. For the past several or so I believe I’m living with it.

My Dad and I were talking about a new T.V. and he got afraid to say the word ‘desirable’ and make eye contact with me at the same time.

10 minutes later he said the word ‘useless’ and held his gaze on me for a little too long.

Anyone out there relate to these examples?

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I think you’re reading too much into the situation.

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Ideas of reference usually follow the delusional theme.

These examples are the easy ones to talk about.

I have sexual ones and won’t share bc I’m a decent person and Actually think I could be ‘communicable’ with them.

I coined a term for it all a long time ago, saying it’s ‘painguage’. It’s like a punch to the gut each time.

One innocuous instance was in 2009 while still working, a colleague uttered the word ‘penetration’ and I immediately winced, or ticked or something. We were talking about marketing though and ‘market (err) penetration.

I recall this colleague fondly bc he stopped and shared humorously that he loves that word. Lolol

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