Anybody searching for free will

I have one sz cousin in Sweden and he sometimes arrives unannounced to my little town in his efforts to search for free will. Anybody else doing this?

I’m sorry. I tried not to. :frowning:

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people go to tibet, run away to all these different places to find freedom, free will, free something…!?!
this guy had this beautiful garden and he would go on holidays to exotic places, but eventually he came to the conclusion that he was happiest in his wonderful garden he had created.
freedom is within us in my opinion.
take care

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We studied “free will vs determinism” in my class. Determinism ruled in the Middle Ages in Europe. The idea that man could not better himself or rise above his station in life,ever. When philosophers started questioning church doctrine in the Dark Ages in Europe and thinking for themselves the end result was the resurgence of free will, and the beginning of the Renaissance and that ended the churches all-powerful rule over the population. For centuries in that period, determinism ruled the lives of most of the population, the idea that everybody had a destiny that they couldn’t change.That things are always the same, and would be the same forever. Thus very little scientific achievement for centuries, it was a very stagnant period for creativity and science for several hundred years. Blind faith in the church and blind obedience to the church ruled the day. It was in the churches own self interest to keep the population ignorant and poor.

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