Anybody Into Ayurveda?

I’m trying to follow ayurvedic principles of health as closely as I can. It is an Indian holistic lifestyle system where you follow certain dietary, bathing, massage, aroma, herbal, color, music, and meditation therapy practices. It is a natural extension of my longtime yoga practice, and I love it. I have a great application on my android smartphone that describes it in detail called: My Ayurveda Pro. Ayurveda is not hard to follow, if you study it. But,I don’t like the dosha test on this app. A much better dosha test can be found on the website:

Everybody’s dosha is different. Your dosha determines what actions you must take to stay healthy. The dosha test will help you determine what dosha type you fall under, at this moment in time.


hi there gina…how are u???
i am from Nepal…where it supposed to be a root of Ayurveda.
i have tried meditation as preached by lord Gautama Buddha and great saint osho…
i have tried ayurveda like …spikenard and few others.
neither meditation nor Ayurveda treated(relived) my psychosis…
but the are certainly good for normal depression and fear… take care…gud night…


I only suffer from a little bit of paranoia now, which doesn’t bother me that much, like it did before. I have what my pdoc would call “grandiose delusions” and “delusions of reference”, which I firmly believe are real. I combine ayurveda and western medicine for physical health. Not for emotional or spiritual health. I realize ayurveda can’t help me emotionally or spiritually. I have things I do specifically for my mood that keep me happy. That I describe elsewhere on this site. I am a good Catholic and I adore my God. I try to follow His commandments and precepts. And that keeps me spiritually healthy.

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While I don’t know much about Ayureda I find doing things like yoga, meditation and pranayama good for my physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health I find all these things are linked health wise. I grew up Catholic but didn’t have a happy childhood and now find more solace in the wisdom from the east but am quite appreciate of the Christian mystical angle. Just my perspective Gina. Following the traditional eastern approach only in treating psychosis may heal you but may take years of putting up with symptoms. Although some of the side effects of the medication can be serious too and are often under-rated.

I suffer from sza/bp type. I dealt with suicidal ideation for many years. I healed myself of the mood aspect of this disorder through yoga asana’s, fish oil, studying piano performance and composition, and practicing the Catholic religion. And, it did not take years and years to heal either. The transformation was almost overnight upon becoming confirmed. My suicidal ideation and severe depression disappeared around 2005-2006. I was confirmed a Catholic in 2005 I began practicing yoga in 2005 I began studying piano performance in 2006. I also began taking the mood stabilizer Tegretol in 2005, so, that may have had something to do with it. But, my pdoc today says that I don’t even really need to be on Tegretol, so, that can’t be the reason for the sudden improvement in mood. I credit all the other interventions. I’m still afraid to go off the Tegretol. But I mostly credit God.


I am happy to hear this. :smiley:

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Thank you…