Anybody go to jail during psychosis..?

Hahaha crazy story… well in 2014 my first and only psychotic episode lasted for about 4 months… I had two different trips to the psych ward… each time they let me go thinking I was ok… but I never got out of a psychotic state. Then I was brought back one more time after running away and going to the nearest airport thinking I was going to meet the famous rapper eminem… well… I was brought back in cuffs… but this isn’t what I’m talking about…

I ended up escaping the facility and going to my house and stealing my sisters car because no one was home. Drove from Virginia to Florida and turned myself in because I thought the cops were after me… which it turns out they were.

My parents issued my sisters car stolen to keep me safe… well I went to jail in Duval County Florida for 2 weeks. 4 days in a suicide cell left naked with a blanket. I later got transfered to mental health dorm and did 23 in 1. I flew on two different planes. And finally got back to the mental health facility I escaped from. When I got back I thought I was in heaven. Serving jail time in a psychotic is not fun guys… I would day dream of being in my mental health facility while sitting in my cell.

Most of my jail time I thought I was going to be in jail forever and never get out. Heard Freddy Kruger and was walking around singing the infamous song. 1 2 hes coming for you. And so on.



I’ll try not to do it. BTW. some cool story :slight_smile:


usually if the cops get a hold of a man during psychosis, then they’ll send the man to the psych ward, no? that’s what they do to me. but then again, I didn’t do anything too radical.

I’ve been put in jail for a couple of months a few times. I don’t think I was psychotic. I was apoplectic. They put me in for “carrying a concealed deadly weapon” a couple of times for a couple of months each time. Both times the weapon was a knife. I never got near anybody with the knife or threatened anyone in any way with it. I’ve seen people carrying far bigger knives on the street before. Both times they arrested me with no probable cause.

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Yea got 1 in a half years ended up doing 7 months schizophrenia put me on the streets I had to survive so they did me for Robbery assault possession of drugs etc I saw a hospital first was put under an act for 6 months medicated as soon as I came off of the act they put me in prison after I came out of prison I was diagnosed with schizophrenia.


that’s unfortunate. you’d think that cops would be more understanding because having a criminal record can be really restricting in America, or at least where I live.

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No thank God but I was this close! The one time I’ve been to jail was because of something I did while hypomanic.


It was because I stole my sisters car :cry:

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That’s bull crap man…

That sounds terrible man…

That was my first visit. Be a good person! Don’t get in trouble!

Every time the cops got me I ended up on a hold on the psych ward. No jail time for me, luckily.

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There’s absolutely no excuse for criminal behavior

And makes us all look bad

Sorry daze, if it helps, I was psychotic. Lmao

you could have ended up like that poor boy jake lloyd from star wars or even worse someone could have made you their boy toy behind bars. being psychotic is very dangerous i was in jail once prior to becoming psychotic, the stress is what broke me.
you should thank your lucky stars that jehovah is watching over all of us.


Lol luckily I wasn’t in an open dorm. And everywhere I went had strict sexual assault rules.

This one old guy I was roommates with at one point was like “you can play with your Jimmy I don’t mind” in an almost Herbert the pervert voice. If he tried anything I woulda wrecked him though

I was in a six man cell down in lockup Los Angeles county Jail.
Fighting everyday and living in fear of being raped. I couldn’t breathe in there, it was terrible

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That’s crazy… as far as I went west was oklahoma… that’s scary. That’s what I thought it would be like but it didn’t turn out that way. Plus I think they were putting me in small dorms because I’m a smaller guy. At the time I weighed about 138 and I’m 5’8 so yeah…

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Yea it was really bad but I have got over my delusions which was the main cause for my actions. still dealing with what the doctor calls hallucinations and they are strong but now that I know what is going on I won’t be in that situation again.

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