Anybody from Germany here?

I have a question for a German citizien. Anybody is german here?

Im originally from Germany with german passport but I probs dont kw ur question since I live in uk now…? maybe i do idk

Ich komme aus USA aber ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch. I’m having a hard time learning German

I live in Germany and I’m a German citizen and I’m German since birth :sweat_smile: what’s your question? If I don’t know my dad knows and i can ask him right away!

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I wonder how much a nurse makes I Germany and if other ue countries nurses who want to work in Germany make the same amount

Also is living in Germany expensive?

Go to Sweden there’s a huge nurse shortage. The consulting nurses make their own work schedules and earn good money. And Sweden is good if you can handle the light. I have a friend who’s a nurse in Sweden. She’s awesome

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As a trainee you get around 1,000 to 1200 euros a month and as a qualified nurse like around 2,500 euros on average. And living in cities can be quite expensive in Germany but there are many other towns with hospitals with a good cost of living amount.

For a Good sized apartment you’d pay around 300-500 euros in non-cities but it can be cheaper or more expensive down to your own taste and size and such. Groceries are cheap mostly if you go to Aldi, Lidl, or Kaufland. 2500 avg euros may not seem a lot but living in a non city in Germany is cheap and that money will go a bit of a way! It’s not expensive cost of living like it is in USA!

Also my cousin is a doctor here in Germany! So any further detailed questions
of nurses I can ask her and get back to you within a week or so!


Sweden pays 50k /year

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Mehr gut. Ich spreche Deutsch nichts. Ich lerne Deutsch von Duolingo.

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Im using Duolingo to learn Dutch :sweat_smile::grin: its always easier if your exposed to a language constantly!

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If you like learning languages it’s great, I hate learning language and I live in a foreign country. I’m screwed

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I’ve started dabbling in Portuguese on Duolingo. It’s been easier so far bc Spanish was my 2nd language and it is similar to Spanish. German is really hard for me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I speak English and my only solution is to move to the algarve

What do they speak where you live? I love languages but everybody’s different. What interests you?

I’m in Portugal. Moved here when I got sz to retire. My wife works.

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Half of them work in Norway.
The pay is better there.

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That’s true too :slight_smile:

Do you know Spanish? Spanish and Portuguese are alike

I only know English

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Ah! Gaat het goed met Nederlands leren? :wink: