İ used to play wow 15 years ago last time on vanilla patch.but lately i m so much boring and i need some hobbies. And wow is quite big world. İ m not assertive. Probably i m gonna play for find eccentric tools and some good leatherworking stuff. İ just wonder that is anyone play wow at here?
I do once and awhile. Not subbed at the moment though, i’m more of a battleground person. They changed alot though, so it’s much harder for me to play casual in battle grounds.
I play as a human priest and human rogue.
Did you play on vanilla patch?
I don’t have a subscription right now. I stopped with level 113 on my nightelf rogue, and I have a 116 human warlock. But this is the first addon I will not level to max level. I’m waiting for classic in august and thinking if I should start to play classic. Kind of no motivation for WoW right now.
Yes I play. I have a level 74 night elf mage. I play most days…once I reach level 110 I will buy the expansion and roll a hunter with the free character boost.
Thats cool. İ m gonna try as human hunter. Thats will be fun i think. İ hope i don t get bored. Because i need desperately need some hobbies since i divorced my wife.
I saw the classic trailer, looks interesting. Unless you are talking about something else?
Installing elder scrolls online as we speak
İs it possible to get rare items without getting in the dungeons?
I use to but my computer barely can get 30 fps for the latest areas. Not to mention someone hacked my account and got it banned for real world trading.
You can get some rare items through quests. But I would suggest dungeons
@Qwerty İ heard that there is occupation about rare items. Enchanting i think. İ read that some of rarest item can be done by this occupation. Sound interesting to me.
Yes. I do enchanting. But I have not fully level it up yet.
@anon99233869 so sorry to hear that. So did you banned for lifetime or limited time. My laptop is also crap. İt s getting so warm inside of 15 min game so i can not play. İ m thinking buy gaming desktop but its so expensive to me. İ have to wait 4 months i guess.
I’ll be playing classic when it launches in August. I’ll be an undead Rogue, so if you’re on the horde side maybe we can party.
@agent101g thank you for offer but i m planning to play with human hunter. İf you want to play with human i really like to play with you. Hordes are depresive me sorry
I was alliance last time, gnome rogue. Ankle stabber if you want to get technical. Was gonna do horde because I’ve never seen their cities before, it’d be a new experience.
Maybe we’ll cross swords some time! I’ll just be stealthing around trying to double backstab wizards
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