Any Threads You Never/ Rarely Visit?

Never viewed the meme threads. Never visited the Say Anything X is for Xylophone…etc…thread.

Rarely visit the What Are You Listening to? thread.

Just my personal preferences I suppose…my affliction makes me read double/ triple meanings into these types of threads…so I avoid them.


I rarely visit the same threads you mentioned @Patrick


I rarely visit those you mentioned @Patrick. I did post a few times in “what song are you listening to?”


I visit all the threads

Say Anything threads move too fast for me, so I don’t really go there either. I tried reading recently but it was hard to keep up with.

I also avoid the Unusual Beliefs section.

I probably read this forum too often.

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Yep, there’s a few. Certain users I have learned to avoid.

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Mainly just the “what are you listening to” thread

i don’t always read every post in a thread that’s the only thing with me.

makes replying difficult at times.

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