Any scorpions fans here?

I love them so much. They are a german band. They play beautiful classic rock, hard rock and heavy metal. Most people know them by their song wind of change. And Klaus Meine is a ■■■■■■■ legend.

Definately one of my favorite bands alongside acdc, motorhead, saxon and megadeth.

Here are few of their songs. Cant post more they have so many great songs. :smiley:

I’ve loved their music since the eighties, and “winds of change” still gives me the chills when I hear it.
Been to Germany many times (ex has a 2nd office there) and they are Royalty in their homeland-rightfully so.


yeah, love the Scorpions…like the other bands you mentioned too. Right now I’m stuck with pandora at my mom’s farm but it’s music, I’ll take it.

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