I haven’t seen many people who aren’t adults on here on the schizophrenia spectrum
I’m 18. @anon59133895 is somewhere around my age.
Kiddo !
I always tell people I’m an old soul. Been thru some thangs
And you’re what 22? Soooo much older
If you’re an old soul…I’m a grandma then.
I’m 20
I’m also a musician and i’ve lived in multiple countries, traveled most of the US, been homeless, rich, I even went to boot camp for the Navy. Fractured my spine about a year ago, I had two sheets of ridiculously awesome acid from Arcata at one point.
Then a month or so ago my symptoms started showing up, and they’ve been getting worse. I can barely drive anymore. It’s horrible, i’m a very experienced driver. I’ve driven through all three mountain ranges in the us, Pittsburgh, DC, Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, Nashville, probably some i’m forgetting…
Before I can even buy alcohol. What a long, strange trip indeed.
I am 18 as well. But I don’t have sz, I’m schizoaffective~
I may not be 18 but I felt like replying so haha BTW I’m 22.