Any of you netstalking someone=)?

Are you?¹11111111111111111111111


Nope. But if someone was, I doubt they would admit it.

Are you?

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[ checks to see if @anon4362788 is online… ]




Hehe I am^^ just wanted to see if there were anyone else in my stalking shoes:D

What is netstalking?

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Uh you seem surprisingly proud of that.

You shouldn’t stalk anyone, internet or not.

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I hope

Whoever it is

Gets a restraining order


Like checking their social medias alot. And look for new videos on youtube and such^^

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ooh, well no I’m not doing that. But it sounds like you have a crush is all.

I don’t understand why I would be interested in doing that.

I totally do that @randalthor but I don’t condone anyone else doing it. I keep checking up on this married man that I knew over 20 years ago. It’s not healthy and I think it has bothered him and his wife. My voices drag me through the mud every time I go to his social media. I pay dearly for it! I don’t recommend or condone it. Try to knock it off for the sake of everyone involved, including your own feelings.

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Hehe but if you are just lurking and dont write anything how can he see you been to his page?

I do have a crush on her, and I know that it’s unrealistic we ever get together but when she like or reply to any of my message I know it’s nothing but platonic. I can dream though, no one can take that away from me:)

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Well I don’t trust Facebook for sure. You check out their Facebook page and you show up in their People You May Know. It’s a dead giveaway. It doesn’t seem to stop me though. It’s not realistic for me either. I am just dreaming too @randalthor

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I am one person.

Ah l see. I only use insta and twitter. Leaves no evidence behind😁 But l guess we all have that someone we ache for and still want to have a little piece of.

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I google a few names, mostly to keep up to date on who has passed away

Don’t really talk to anyone so only way I find things out

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No. I don’t obsess about other people, unless they are dead historical figures.

Some people stand out more for me, sometimes, but I am not the stalking sort.

Well l am lonelier than most people😇

I sorta “stalk” the ex wife on her facebook account. Its the only way i get upto date pictures of my little one :frowning:

Shes blocked me tho.

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I think social media makes netstalking normal if you’re a peep but deviant if youre a creep. Not fair but i would just delete social media if youre not one of the peeps

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