The testosterone boosting effects put me off taking it. I may be male but it doesn’t mean I want to be more masculine…
If you trust Wikipedia, there’s a list here: (Experiment at your own risk!)
Thanks for that. Unfortunately most of the things need a doctor’s prescription. I am looking for something can be bought over the counter. Fish oil seems a possibility although the evidence base for it is inconclusive/limited.
You don’t have delusions or mania do you? If you don’t try ginko biloba, it helped me a lot for about a week then I became hypomaniac and had to quit. My mom is taking it and has a lot more energy, she has depression.
I’m not feeling any more masculine. Wouldn’t mind if I did, unless I end up watching sports, because that would be gross.
Diet and exercise are your best bets for controlling negative symptoms. And therapy. I’d put sarcosine farther down the list than those. It helps, but it’s not in miracle territory.
Delusions- not at present, I don’t think, but it’s listed as part of my risk history
Mania- Not sure about full on mania but described as having mood swings.
Then maybe it’s not a good idea afterall.
I guess I’m a bit paranoid about the possibility. Still some of the “I wish I wasn’t male” thinking floating about.
NAC has helped me way more than Sarcosine ever did, and I took Sarcosine for over 3 years. NAC also works on the NMDA receptor. I think Sarcosines effects on test are negligible, I got way more of a feel that test was raised from supplementing Zinc, pure Sarcosine did pretty much nothing.
I found glycine to be better than sarcosine.
Can you get glycine/NAC over the counter ie not with a prescription?
Yeah, I get it online. It’s a widely used supplement.
It would be so minimal I’m sure you would not notice the boost in manhood. It’s for your brain
You need like 60 grams of glycine daily for it to be effective supposedly
Are you talking about sarcosine?
Yeah 15 characters
Entrez pubmed gives several entries for sarcosine and prostate cancer. My father has had prostate trouble and I have a number of genotypes that indicate increased risk of prostate problems. This would make me very cautious of going down the sarcosine route.
I’ve been taking Fish oil for years and it really helps my mood. I have sza/bp type, and I used to be extremely suicidal for years. I suffered a very sad loss 5 years ago, and in spite of that, my suicidal ideation has not returned, and I am not depressed in the least. My mood is very content and even. And, it has been this way since 2005, for the most part. I attribute this to many factors:
- medications- antidepressant, anti psychotics, mood stabilizer
- Fish oil
- yoga and ayurveda
- God,Catholic religion and prayer
- piano study,piano practice and composition
- music production and distribution
And, about the last 2 lines listed, any creative activity that you adore would suffice for this purpose.
Is sarcosine dangerous for sza bipolar type? I have a lot of negative symptoms right now. I could maybe benefit from it if it is safe to use.
I took NAC for a year or so during my weight-lifting binge. Didn’t notice it did that much for me mentally. It freaked my cardiologist the hell out and he made me promise I’d stop taking it. Apparently the odds are very high that this stuff will be banned in the near future (according to my cardiologist).
I do notice quite a boost from sarcosine, but I’m already high-functioning so maybe it does more for my cohort. Not enough data to offer an opinion there.