Scotty always cheers me up.
ty for saying so. i am off in my head just now
Enjoy… because I will never get my time back for watching that video you posted!
youre a jerkweed
Don’t you love us?
go elsewhere moron
I am a Schizoaffective Songwriter & Independent Producer.
I am Presenting my songs in this fashion in hopes that Mental Illness is lightened.
It is likely you know someone with Mental illness. Be Kind to each other because as individuals no one sees the whole picture.
So you aren’t this guy today?
@HuckFinn I forgive you brother. I wasn’t trying to trigger. You posted a video you liked and wanted to see how you felt about mine. Music life that is all!
i dont need to justify myself to less than respect
Actually, huckfinn posted a video he created.
I don’t need to justify myself to less than respect? WTF does that mean? hahaha.
@everhopeful Well that two cent’s helped a lot lemme tell you!
You sound completely screwed up, why don’t you consider taking meds?
Ewwww why would I ever want to take drugs? I love my gifts, and you should as well. I do not understand why everyone wants to hide themselves. Or drug up to conceal who they are!
So did you come here just to troll? First trying to provoke @HuckFinn who said he is having a rough time, and then to try to persuade people to stop their meds?
I ended up feeding the troll, which made things worse.
@Turnip Absolutely not! I just thought since he posted a video I thought maybeeeeeeee you guys might want to check one of my favorites out? And you people can take ALL the drugs in the world, that’s on you…
@everhopeful NOM NOM NOM
Flagged. If you’re not serious about your recovery and supporting other users in their recovery, this website probably isn’t a good fit for you.
FLAG ME ALL YOU WANT!!! I am not here to MF troll! I am here to talk with others but keep treating me like I am the A** and watch what happens…
Suggest you stop acting like one if your treatment here bothers you.