Another week of work is upon us schizophrenics that are employed

No, I have really bad health issues and can’t work (but hopefully it will get better and I can work again).

I’ve worked with my current employer for 8 years including 1 year maternity n 1 year sick leave due to my diagnosed with Schizophrenia but now I’m back working n off antipsychotics x

I have had my job 4-5 years now. I do part-time since that makes me more stable.

Since age 17 I’ve had about 25 different jobs. The longest is ten years at my current janitors job. I’m 60 years old.

I feel the same way, I am contributing to the system. I only work part time.

Congrats. I get paid weekly. It’s the first job I’ve had like that. Every other job I’ve ever had paid me every two weeks.

I’ve been with my current employer for almost 6 months now.

I’ve been freelancing as a computer technician for several years.

People also pay me to do odd jobs, like my neighbour pays me to cut their grass, another neighbour paid me to help her son and daughter move some stuff.

I’m so happy I have some time off time seems to fly when you are working full time. I was full time before schizophrenia and 5 years flew by. I hope to be a full time student soon.

I’ve had a total of 3 jobs, one I was at for 1 year and 2 months, another I had for 7 months, and my current one I’ve had for 1 year and 4 months and I am still employed there

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Library volunteer- approx. 9-10 years
paid part time Library worker- approx. 2-3 years
paid volunteer worker- 3 years

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I worked like 40 low level jobs prior to sz onset, then I stopped work and got on disability. Id like to work more on disability, but i guess the logistics were too much. Nowadays im more physically limited so its harder and harder to think about working. My known skills are mostly physical, never been management material as I rarely even socialize.

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