A couple friends of mine work in the bakery department of the grocery store that is only a couple blocks from my house. I guess one of their employees might be moving on soon. If that works out it’d be perfect for where my life is right now. Close to home, part time, not dealing with customers directly, working with friends.
I, personally, have too strong of a set of philosophies about the labor/job market and the economy to want to participate in it. My SZ is more chronic than others, I suppose, which is why I disagree that anyone with SZ needs to work.
The workforce participation rate for able-bodied citizens does not need to be 100% at this point anyway, neither does the U.S. have to remain the #1 economy in the world to stay relevant or keep people happy.
I’ve prayed very intensely about working and/or developing a career, and I have basically received my replies in the form of a happy “No.”.
If we had a living-wage system, like some countries in Europe do, we’d probably feel more at ease about not having to be working in the market here in the U.S…
Man, work makes life complete and opens some financial and social doors. If I wait to long to get working it’s only going to be more difficult. I can work a few years in a bakery until I get some money saved up and figure how to progress from there.
I should be a good time as well. Nothing like having a few drinks after a long week of work.
Socialists can have jobs lol. I’ll always support the socialist views.
Feed and house the poor. Make education free. Universal health care. Expensive sure, but it would bolster the economy in the long run. I know these are just ideals. We should be fighting to get closer to them.