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So I was thinking about the near paradoxical difference of nonpathological delusions and pathological ones. As always the issue of direct and indirect realism plays a role. While it’s almost certainly true that indirect realism is the correct perspective for understanding human experience, there is an argument for direct realism as the ultimate basis for reality. So while I’m an indirect realist because I’m sz and also because I accept that we live in a slightly delayed simulation our minds make of the world we live in, I’m an direct realist in accepting that there is a real world that is distinct from our minds, and reality is the accurate perception and interpretation of this world. But in relation to the difference between pathological and nonpathological delusions, I think nonpathological ones are usually socially based, and pathological ones are psychological. I studied both sociology and psychology and figure sociology is more direct realist because its focus is on the social obviously, and psychology studies the indirect reality of our minds. A nonpathological delusion (even though it could stem from someone’s pathology) comes from the social sphere, something you read online, or something a political figure says, or part of the ideas of a religious or political group. So in actuality the person who has this kind of delusion is coherent with the direct reality of their political and social group. A pathological delusion is one where the internet connection has been lost with the social reality, and a person lives in isolation with something only they perceive. Is this always true though? Maybe not. If you look at something like the environment, that is a direct reality of ecological damage, overpopulation, and pollution etc. The indirect reality of the majority of people which is a type of solipsism denies this reality in a way that might be summed up in the term YOLO, that their personal desires supersede the reality of the world and as a result overconsume, overpopulate and pollute etc. So there is one example of a nonpathological delusion that causes harm, that is completely indirect realism. Well not completely, they are following the social norm.