i was joking with mom this morning, that i have another 12 hour shift today. it’s usually a 12 hour day followed by 3 hours of laying in bed in the dark letting my mind wander, waiting to fall asleep.
i have nothing to do today, gonna be brutal. i have some smokes leftover from yesterday, so that will break up the monotony of my day. and then i will turn on the radio at noon and listen to it for 3 hours.
maybe i will get a workout in today, i wasn’t going to start lifting again until may, but what’s the point in waiting?
i try to sleep as long as possible in the morning. but i woke up at 730 this morning. i think the smoking prevents me from getting a deep sleep, but i do remember more of my dreams when i smoke. if i could i would sleep til 10am each morning, but usually wake up before that.
once i get my day started it’s not so bad, worst part is mornings for me.
well mostly im just looking to get a little stronger so i can withstand a work day. not really trying to get much bigger, just lose a bit of fat, and add some muscle. but i’ll still be relatively small, 150 pound guy.
pushups are a great exercise though, i used to be able to 50 to 60 pushups in a row, but now i can only do 10. i’ve lost a lot of strength on meds.