Talking to myself .i tell it change the station.
Cigarettes is something i want to leave behind this year. The box too. Hopefully i can find some employment soon.
One goal is to get a vehicle in 2017. And of course get fake smile.
After that I feel like i can go to school. Idk if i should get financed or save up for some months. I don’t even have my license yet. So far my list looks like this
job( steady income)
drivers license
give up cigarettes forever(30days)
teeth situation
enroll in school
I want to leave several things behind. Tobacco, the box, being broke, and just being stuck.
The things on that list would keep my spirit high. So mainly I’m aiming for that college atmosphere. But i need a few things first to avoid… That… Vibe. I need to work on other things too. I don’t like being the Awkward guy. And i need to gain some weight
Weight @170lbs( is tht too much to ask4)
job( steady income)
drivers license
give up cigarettes forever(30days)
teeth situation
enroll in school
AS OF RIGHT NOW. I should be coming up with the last $100 for this months rent. And my phone bill is due on the3rd of next month.
I also play my lottery numbers for what ever reasons.
I’ll update once i finish rent and get a job