Which Recovery Group do you attend?
- AA - Alcoholics Anonymous
- NA - Narcotics Anonymous
- CA - Cocaine Anonymous
- Al-Anon/Alateen
- I don’t have a drug/alcohol problem
- I don’t know anyone with a drug/alcohol problem
0 voters
Which Recovery Group do you attend?
0 voters
Well, I chose two…AA & NA. If I left your group out post it here.
I have a drug problem but I’ve never done a 12 step program. I just try not to do drugs and drink. Right now I’ve been clean for 3 1/2 months.
That’s better than me. This Saturday I’ll be clean two weeks. It’s looks like I need the choice of Don’t Attend a Group. Thanks @leafy
Two weeks is awesome. You got the hard part down. You’ll be at 3 months before you know it. Just keep doing it everyday, the same thing, just don’t use each day.
Thanks. I’m going to blow-off my psychiatric care for a week and focus on going to AA/NA each day.
I think focuses on that for needed support is an excellent way to go about things. It really helps a lot of people. My step-daughter is very active in aa/na and it really helped her turn her life around. She is now married with two kids and they have a successful business.
15 friends & family members of alcoholics
Thanks @anon1517417. It can be rough dealing with an addict.
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