If someone is smoking and it’s bothering you, the solution is simple. YOU get out of THEIR way. It’s your problem and you need to solve it and not make it other peoples problem. I really dislike the sound and smell of cars. So what? I can’t get rid of all the cars just to please myself. Same goes for smokers. Generally, it’s your problem if it annoys you, so you deal with it.
Don’t expect smokers to move out of your way or stop smoking because you’re standing next to them. You wouldn’t expect cars to stop running or drive away from the road because YOU want to stand in the middle of the road. Don’t cough at smokers and expect them to move for you. Don’t cough at people at all, it’s unhygienic. I quit smoking but zealous non-smokers are still annoying as ■■■■.
Ya know I was standing at a bus stop smoking cig. And the chick came up in my face saying that I have to be something like 1000yrds away from the bus stop.
This probably the only thing that I don’t like about anchorage ak.
I really applaud your stance on this. I’m a coward when it comes to this. I move out of the way and feel bad. I am worried about others quality of air. I also sometimes think I’m assaulting them with my cigarette smoke.
It annoys me too, but I’m planning on deliberately turning into such a bitching non-smoker, temporarily at least. I am a smoker now, but have been planning to stop once I graduate. I believe that turning into a anti-smoking fundamentalist helps. So I will be telling my smoking friends to forgive me being an ■■■■■■■ about it, but will be doing the coughing etc. in front of them. Fake it till you make it. It is not uncommon that you find people that have successfully quit smoking being the ones most unreasonably opposed to it now. I bet you can com(/im)pose some psychoanalytic fairytale on that as for the why’s - I just take this to be an effective strategy to quit.
I just mutter “smokers” or “cigarettes” or “tobacco” sometimes. I never tell people to stop. They have every right too. In fact the more I’m around it the further I get from ever smoking again.
That may not always be possible. I think hard core smokers can be as bad as hard core non smokers.
Ideally I’d like smokers to stop but I don’t see the need to hound them into doing so. What’s needed is better education and improved tools to quit.
Having said that I think smokers should be considerate of where they smoke and that it’s right it’s banned in certain places. One might turn your position around and say why should person A move because person B is choosing to smoke? Some might say as person B is the person with the habit he/she should find a suitable place to smoke.