Anecdotal Accounts of Schizophrenic Males Getting Married After Onset

What I’m more talking about is not the already accompanying relationship with a partner, but getting into relationships after the onset and multiple psychotic breaks. This is what I am fearing: that I won’t ever get into marriage with somebody. This would be catastrophic to me, both in terms of expected life quality, and ecclesiastical achievement.

My biggest hurdle to marriage is my unpredictable nature with schizophrenia. Meaning, the ubiquitous breaks we all get when either medication is stopped or not working properly. Keep in mind, I haven’t ever stopped treatment for my illness, but have had four psychotic episodes interweaving their way into my young adult life and causing many issues. And now, as I’m struggling yet again with symptoms, I fear this will be cyclical.

So what I really am looking for is hope, hope that it’s possible to marry with schizophrenia without ever having been in a relationship before. As many people with mental health issues can attest, there’s no conceivable way that hope can endure than without support from the outside.

It helps if you’re meeting a lot of women; it just increases your chances. Good luck.


I was in relationships before, but they weren’t healthy.



I never felt it was super important to get married. Plenty of people go thru life on their own. Plus, not trying to be sexist, women kinda bring problems. Marriages are hard anyways. I wouldn’t sweat being single too much, plenty of people are in a marriage right now and are envious of the fact you’re single lol

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Some problems are worth having.

(The woman.)

Some problems are not worth having at all.

(Her family.)



I know the feeling lol. But hindsight is 20/20, and the girl wasn’t worth the hassle of the family

I feel it’s important your partners parents like you too, and vice versa, you like their parents in order for it to workout


This one totally is, but I won’t complain if the parents get hit by a rogue meteorite tomorrow.

Not smiling at the funeral will be tough.

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Wow, they’re that bad huh? Well you never know maybe that rogue meteorite will find its way haha

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I just got married it was not easy n is probably not going to be but i am very much love my wife she is also schizophrenia so she is understanding


I love lamp :flashlight:
I love desk
I love chair :chair:


Yes. Got married through the old site simple because it was the early noughties and it happened way too much around here both good and bad.

Still. It can happen but it’s a different dialectic with apps and such but back then I got on a plane and went to meet someone I’d never met in my life. It’s one of those things. Plenty of chatting and back then phone calls…like it cost money so that is the thing…

So many ways to meet people and that means other sex. Whether dating apps ( don’t recommend) but do things like hobbies or political parties or anything that helps you meet people. Your never going to get married if your not meeting people of like mind and that is the thing.

Dating apps will work but it’s hard to disguise sz or a mental disorder for most.


I never had proper relationships before

After the chances got even worse

My first break was at 16/17, so was not given much of a chance to develop healthy relations with others

To be honest I can’t blame people as I was very unstable for a very long time

But now I ask what next, but all the good people have moved on and I feel very stuck

May as well still be as seriously ill as it makes little difference to my chances of having a normal life with a partner to share it with


I should update my previous post which said other sex which is totally inappropriate. Whether other or same sex or otherwise it was insensitive to extreme and apologies. Do what you like and are attracted to you. My bad.


I’m only male on the forum,

In real life I’m a super sexy lady.

But, I am recently single.

Not trying to rush into a relationship by any means,

However, I do have to look at myself and realize I’m not a 22 year old with unlimited potential anymore.

I’m 40 and am dead weight to a potential partner.

I’ll likely never be able to work in the capacity I should and will 100% be more trouble than I’m worth.

Being new to this, I don’t have a ton of advice, but what I’m doing is taking some time to hardcore work on myself.

I’m going to get in better shape, have better habits, pull together some projects I’ve been working on for years, be more social (go to meetup type events in my new area).

You would be surprised what a network of even acquaintances can do as far as finding a partner.

I know you’re religious for a lack of a better word,

Do you attend services?

Send out your feelers.

See if anyone has a cousin or niece you could meet.

I realize I’m giving you advice from a woman instead of real life accounts from a male,

Still, I think it stands.

Don’t worry about it so much,

Work on you, put the word out and attend events.

Even dumb ones.

Single women love those wine and paint a picture things.

Go to those.

You’ll likely be the only dude and get a lot of attention.


Damn girl you should really be kinder to yourself :open_mouth: that kind of negative self talk is just limiting yourself. You might say it’s “reality” but it’s not. You’re a beautiful young woman who many guys would be happy to date. Bring the ego back plz :stuck_out_tongue:


Last woman I was in bed with was 40. I honestly prefer woman who are in their mid 30s to early 40s (I’m early 30s).
Kids aren’t something I want so being slightly older than me doesn’t make any difference. I want a commitment to companionship and kindness. I find slightly older woman are a lot less vain and often easier to get along with.

You can write yourself off in another 20 years :slight_smile:

You’re right.

I’m dead sexy and anyone would consider themselves beyond lucky to just get a date with me.

I am an excellent conversationalist, the best storyteller I know, people enjoy being around me and those projects are pretty awesome, may even amount to something someday.

Damn, did you see that lady with the long dark hair on the selfie thread?

She hot.

Super hot.


My girlfriend wants to get married. And have children. So I guess it’s possible.

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There we go! That’s what I wanna see :stuck_out_tongue: none of this loser talk :smile:

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I met someone about 5 years after id had several episodes. But i was also high functioning and working. Had my own small business and im generally a charismatic joking individual.

So with all that i was probably more desireable than if i had been on disability and not working.

Its kind of a hard thing to accept but thats how our world is primarily focused on accomplishment or progression and stuff.

I mean its not all about that but it is a factor.

Also before i met my partner, she said online i had a kickass personality.

So hey personality counts too :blush:

I shared one of my psychosis episodes with my partner after about the 3rd date. Didnt want her to find out later. At that time i thought i was dealing with schizophrenia because i had so much psychosis going on. But im bipolar 1 with psychosis.

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