And You Think Your Family is Strange

My wife is Bipolar…I’m Schizophrenic…my daughters have an eating disorder…and my 21 year old cat is senile.

Around our dinner table…

Wife: "This food is delicious! That’s why I’m throwing it into the garbage.

Me: "There’s a hidden camera in my fava bean!

Daughters: "We each just ate a tic tac and we’re full.

Cat: "(peeing on the curtains)


We’re so strange we got our own show.

I’d wish I’d known. Seriously.

Back when diagnosed manic depressive I had some serious paranoid overtones and some ocd behavior. Still no family history…well there was shiteloads of it and I just didn’t know. My Mum had two aunts who where sz…Only found out years later…

Could have made a big difference for sure in the diagnostic realms. Be honest folks.

I’ve got a genius niece, and 2 nieces who can sing well, and a niece who’s a nurse with a daughter of her own (along with one possibly on the way). This is after growing up with 2 brothers (one a twin), 3 step-brothers, 2 step-fathers, a father who played the banjo, taught philosophy and history, and later became a inn-keeper, 5 Uncles, and 2 male dogs (my Mom was the only female.) Now with my Dad’s death and Mom’s 3 divorces my two brothers are the last 2 significant males in my life increasingly outnumbered by females one of who may be gay or trans. but is interested in taking classes on child development. There have been 3 sets of twins in the last 3 generations (fortunately not in the new one so far.) And oh by the way both of my brothers have musical talent but are not good enough for prime time. (they don’t play the banjo.)

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