"And that's final."

Dad used to punctuate his demands that way.

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Adults are often authortarian and sorry you had to deal with that. I still like my parents and live with one…we often became enemies especially when a teenager. I’m glad I made up with them in the long run…


My mother used to say “because I said so, end of story.”
I don’t mind being told no, or being asked to do something I don’t want to do.
But I can’t blindly follow orders. I need to know why, and her refusal to give me a reason often led to me getting stubborn and refusing to cooperate.


Nobody’s parents are perfect. Maybe on down the road we can understand our parents better. Many parents erroneously equate discipline with love. Discipline is important, but so are things like compassion and creativity.

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I get similar from my husband
That’s an end to it I think he says

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