After all, I’m overdue.
Hey, @flameoftherhine: Yer momma wears Army boots. Ya dirty skank of a Yank.
(Hee hee hee.)
After all, I’m overdue.
Hey, @flameoftherhine: Yer momma wears Army boots. Ya dirty skank of a Yank.
(Hee hee hee.)
good to see you @pix (tips hat)
@flameoftherhine was naked in my fridge he said, the security camera clearly showed he must have been very cold, if you know what I mean
Two ‘innies’, eh?
I’ve seen the calander you two made…pixel might have promised to get rid of it…but he didn’t…interesting place to showcase daisies…see divide and run away…now the 2 frosty trolls will argue on the best way to eat me…jam roasted mashed or stir fryed…until the sun comes up…and pooof tapiaco pudding…and it was cold in you refrigerator…
We’re pitching, you’re catching.
So…deep fried…oh no I’m guessing @Mountainman will agree…they didn’t argue long enough…wonder twins power activate…in the form of giant eagle…oh crap I forgot I’m not a twin…
Twin belly buttons…
You both wear army boots but neither of you are smart enough to know how to tie them.
Oh ya…well…your mom is an elder berry and your father smells of hamsters…
Time to make an exit.
You must be referring to Nick. No one knows who my dad was and that included my mom who never asked his name. (Yeah, she was a bit of a ■■■■.)
Yea that one was for nick…
You two would make a cute couple. Need me to take your wedding photos?
I have 2 belly buttons and he is a human elder berry hybrid who smells of hamster…match made in heaven…I do
Aw the flame war turned into a wedding…and we have a photographer already…
Guess we need to expand our audience.
Hey @moonbeam, please stop snacking on @flameoftherhine’s clothing.
That’s where my panties and bras keep going?!..I need those for… business purposes…
It’s so YOU!
Dam I’m good…don’t be jealous…because I can walk on the air sideways…short distances…