Finally got X ray on 3rd Dec. Admitted same day. Contrary to paramedics,Gp etc saying it was all psychological I’d had a fractured femour-hip for at least 7weeks. Had partial hip replacement on the fifth. Developed chest infection and pneumonia and was poorly on oxygen for quite a few days. Day or so after Op a nurse gave me the wrong meds. Might just be coincidental, but my systolic which usually is in the 120 to135 range has been in the 80s to early 100s range.Mainly in the 90s range. Just moved today to an inpatient rehab unit.
Best wishes for your recovery.
I hope things get better for you. sounds like you had a rough time.
Good luck with everything @firemonkey . Many of us were wondering what happened to you.
Good to hear from you @firemonkey . Hope your on the path to a speedy recovery.
I was literally wondering what had happened to you this morning! Nearly made a thread about it, but couldn’t work out how to see your last post…
Glad you have got the treatment. Will this mean you’ll have the pain go away now?
I really hope the answer to that is yes… (After the rehab of course)
Best wishes. 151515151 was wondering where you were.
We’ve wondered about you. Hope you mend quickly!
Best wishes, I wish everything will be okay.
Oh my goodness that’s quite the journey. Glad you’re still with us!
(Uh, hey, can I have the old hip since you’re not longer using it?)
@firemonkey That sounds really difficult. I hope you heal quickly and aren’t in too much pain. You were really missed on the forum – a lot of folks were wondering where you were. Take care of your self!
Geez @firemonkey, you’ve been through the wringer lately.
Glad you’re back on the forum and hope you feel better soon
wishing you well @firemonkey seems youve been through a lot recently. You got this! Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Sending well wishes your way @firemonkey. Hope to see regular posts from you as soon as you are able. Take care.
First of all we’ve missed you terribly so you better get well so let me see if I got the story right you got a fracture but didn’t tell us how you got a hip replacement on the 5th but didn’t say quite where she got pneumonia from a surgery even I have that a pretty nurse gave you the wrong medicine and your blood pressure is going crazy I get that about right anyway like I said we’ve missed you terribly
Woa. That’s a lot to go through. Glad to hear you’re doing ok now though.
Oh man @firemonkey … I hope you heal soon!
I asked about you the other day.
Good luck firemonkey
Did step test today.Managed 8 up and down.
Do you have a good support system in place?
Like family members helping you?