An unshakable conviction

I really hope this is not flagged for being religious. I have an unshakable conviction I AM GOD. I’ve had it since I was three years old. It made me happy until I turned into an adult. I heard a voice, my Alter ego, tell me countless times as a youth I am God. If you hear something said enough you tend to believe it. Can you help me doubt? I want to die.

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I don’t think it is going to get flagged. It’s ok to talk about a delusion such as this in unusual beliefs I believe.
As far as helping you doubt it…I don’t know. You aren’t God.
I used to believe that I was a prophet and I thought that I might become God. It was all nonsense though. You are no more God than I am a prophet. We can’t really get into a religious discussion here, but if you were God, you would have abilities that I’m quite sure that you don’t have, would you not? The fact that you don’t have abilities beyond what a normal human being has should give you some doubt that you are God.

P.S. Try to keep this thread so it doesn’t turn into a religious discussion so we don’t have to shut it down. If you stick just to your delusion it should be able to stay open.

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With all due respect; what do you want to hear from us? You know we’re all going to say that you’re not god. If it helps, you’re not the first person to have this delusion. Many people have thought they’re god. You can’t all be god can you?

I don’t know how to help; from what you say, this delusion seems firmly entrenched and I wouldn’t know how to stop someone’s delusion that they’ve had for twenty or more years.
I can tell you that you’re not god but does that help at all? You’re just some average person with schizophrenia who has a delusion.

I’m sorry you feel you want to die. You must feel terrible but nothing is worth killing yourself over.
Believe me, I’ve been suicidal a lot before and I’m so glad I haven’t done it. Things just somehow always got better. Things may look bleak now, like they do for a lot of people, but things change. Often for the better. If you really feel that bad then tag a moderator and have them post all the support phone numbers and suicide prevention numbers. I hope someone can say something that helps you, I wish you good luck.

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Here are the suicide hotline numbers if you need them.

If you are feeling suicidal or having a mental health crisis, please tell someone — a friend or family member, a teacher, a doctor or therapist or call 911 (if you’re in the U.S.) or the Emergency Medical Services phone number in your country.

You can also call a crisis intervention hotline—these are available in the U.S. and in many other countries. You do not need to be actively suicidal to benefit from a crisis hotline.

International crisis hotlines:

Crisis hotlines in the U.S.:

More resources:

If you are God
Why does the world suck
Serious negligence on being God
Also Gods exist beyond the reach of death
If God you can’t die
Now as human you can
People frown upon suicide
So probably not a good idea

And… if you are God
What the hello happened to the unicorns
Like seriously dude
A whole ark
And you didn’t bother to save the unicorns

I appreciate it. I have some dismal, forsaken and all else moments and then it passes and I realize I’m a functioning human being with precious gifts. I’m sorry I can’t go back to the hospital. I’ve been 41 times and it has stopped working. The last time I went last March I liked the company of the patients but it was NOT better than being alone in my apartment. My left arm still hurts from when the psych techs threw me on the floor. I saw a doctor about it today and I’m having it x-rayed soon. The time I went to the hospital before my left leg was permanently damaged by an illegal injection. I will die before I subject myself to that again. I will not call a crises center and confess I’m suicidal to have the police come to my door and handcuff me to a hospital period. They can track down your number and when you tell them you’re suicidal they will do it.

Hey @Jinx .

It’s a common delusion. Lots of schizophrenics have it.

Hopefully you can be strong enough to break out of that. The voices are liars.

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