Wrote this like 5 years ago. Just found it
Hate me? How can you hate me?
For I am greater than God.
And all knowing.
Will I be happy? I can’t be sure
Finding true love keeps us detached
But nobody loves us.
Nobody is capable of sharing our love
She didn’t occur in my world until lives after she was created
Lives after her clouds were deeper than the ones surrounding Michael and Seraphiel themselves.
But I wasn’t the one to estrange us.
I learned my fate aeon’s ago.
The first time.
The only time I saw the hallucination.
But love is not just imagination.
Love is real.
It comes to life.
But this love wasn’t meant for me.
This love was separate.
It’s too bad too.
Conceivably suits and peas would follow.
We’d conquer galaxies.
And when it all came to an end, inside the walls of a crumbling hospice.
On a dark cold morning past the days of calendars.
After a trillion suns burnt out.
Past that.
Decades after moments past that.
Millenniums beyond centuries after that.
We’d lay on the ground.
Covered in leaves and bugs.
Ready to be swept up to the heavens by death himself.
After demons had perished
Generations had been lost.
God lost.