Amplified intimacy ideals on meds

I felt amplified with zoloft years ago too… Seroquel makes me wanna cuddle a lady more…

Maybe its cuz im alone again during covid now…

But i maybe always sought and feel my most comfort in life with such intimacy and the cozy feeling brings it about with me.

Idk. Please dont make crude comments guys… Just reflecting i guess.

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Well, it’s a good sign. I guess it means that your emotions and libido are more normal. I have missed feeling like that since starting meds. I’m not giving it up though, but I guess it would take a switch of meds to maybe better it, and I’m not sure if I’m willing to do that. I’m pretty stable on the meds I’m using now, and have no serious side effects. I guess that’s whats most important.

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im not sure if its healthy of me or not honestly… im not sure of much tho.