American road food? any opinions?

well once you get into the towns and cities you will find better food. but when you’re on a road trip on the interstate, you will be lucky to get to stop at a mcdonalds. it’s terrible food, and i take a lot of road trips. dont think american food is anything too special. maybe that’s why i don’t have a love affair with food and just eat when im hungry.


I love diner food. :blush:


I’ve heard wawa has good food, out here maverick gas stations and flying j have good food usually, I haven’t been on a road trip in years.


Well when you drive near the Gulf of Mexico you will find dead alligators and opossums. When you drive through wooded areas you’ll find run over deer, and snakes. Out in the west you’ll have to follow the buzzards. And I’ve never been north so I don’t really know. BTW I’ve never heard of a dead McDonald’s, wawa, or diner lying on the road.


My ex husband and I are serious about food. When we took a road trip we would google restaurants along our route. I made really good money back then though and my mortgage and cars were paid off so we could afford it.



Yesterday, I ate at McDonald’s.
It do not replace a “true” restaurant or a dietetic meal, but it’s always yummy.
… mhh. I’m hungry. Want a big Mac.


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