Will it be as boring as the originals? Only you can decide !
Hey, I liked the original 3 LOTR movies.
Not sure if I have any interest in the Amazon series though…of course I’m not a big TV and movie fan these days.
oh I love LOTR and Hobbit movies…a lot !! I will rent this though, looks good…
Lol! That’s funny @everhopeful . I’ve never read the books. I thought the movies were okay though.
I thought the originals were brilliant. But a TV series… Not sure it would hold true to the Originals
Ohh nice! Loved the movies. First time ive heard about it. Im in!
Sounds great, can’t wait to see it
Wow, that’s amazing! Can’t wait.
I know you’re being funny about the boring thing, but I think the Star Wars franchise is maybe the most boring of all franchises. They’re just running around space pew-pewing each other.
I find that those movies are great to put on during a rainy day while vegging out on the couch under a blanket with snacks.
Something comforting about them… I dunno .
Loved the Jackson LotR movies, found his take on The Hobbit to be a hot mess. Not interested in the Amazon series TBH. Would rather re-watch LotR on my Plex server.
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