So the war between the flesh and AI begins.
If there’s a dangerous bug in software, it will be a child who finds it.
Another case of “Viral” challenges injuring people.
I remember the cinnamon challenge sending people to the ER for aspiration. Milk crate had broken bones and concussions. Tide pods.
Human race is doomed. We’ll make great pets.
Haha blimey. I just asked it myself. And said the usual “mmm - i dont know that one”
Thats well dodgy tho - im quite surprised.
Alexa has not once ever given us a relevant suggestion from anything it has found on the Web. I wish the feature could be disabled.
Side note:
As a human waging a personal war against AI, I have refused to activate Siri on my phone.
I also am super thrilled that my car was built circa 2004, and therefore has no lane assist or other newfangled robot features.
Alexa play 100 fart noises
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