I feel like I am getting on a bit now at almost 37. And he’s taking his time. We’re not having kids, so it’s not so much an issue… But I feel like I’m getting on a bit. And my hair is greying out too, no plans to dye it. Not getting any younger.
No one is too old to get married.
If marriage is important to you, and you have been together a while, maybe try and bring up the issue and discuss it with your partner. Ask them what their views on marriage are and say that you’d like to be married at some point if you found the right person. Hopefully they take the hint?
I tell him often. He said we need to find a place first before we can afford to get married. So I’m trying to be patient. In my culture you’re considered too old to get married by the time you’re 25 or 27 lol
Yeah, I’m the same age and in the same situation with my partner. I went through a phase of not wanting to get married, so it’s definitely all my fault.
I also went through that phase, and I came out of it, whilst although he wants to get married he just doesn’t feel it’s the right time. So we’re at two different mindsets.
Why does he think it is not the right time.
Oh nvm, I just read the whole thread.
My grandma got married in her 90s. She had been a widow for a very long time. I think you’re never too old to share your life with someone
i didn’t marry for the first time until 44…second marriage at 58. doing fine…you are never too old to fall in love.
I’m also 37.
I feel like it’s not too old to get married,
This guy you’re dating should have pulled the trigger by now.
He’s seriously kind of jerking you around at this point.
It’s been years of you guys “taking it slow”.
I’m not trying to be mean,
I just don’t want you to wait forever for this guy to marry you.
You’re a good looking and kind hearted woman.
Some other man would appreciate you very much if this one continues to not commit.
Well if I remember right, you two don’t live together.
He mighr have some worries about getting married only to find out you can’t stand to live together.
In some cultures it’s considered tacky to marry someone you haven’t lived with.
Have the two of you had a talk about what’s holding him back, and what makes you feel a pressure to marry?
And also, have you done some reflection on why marriage is so important to you?
A partner can love you and be faithful without feeling a need to be faithful.
I feel if a person really loves someone, they don’t make them prove it by spending money on an arbitrary ceremony and signing binding, possibly life-long legal documents.
I guess I feel the pressure from my extended family, but after my grandmother passed it’s not like I see them anymore… I go holidays so we can spend time together like we live together… but some people don’t like that… My mum is cool with it though, I guess I have her on my side at least.
I also don’t know WHY I want to get married. I just the thing to do when you find someone. I guess that’s not good reason to though.
My mom got married for the 4th time in her 50’s
I can imagine some asking themselves the question if they are too old to get divorced and start a happier relationship.
My culture told me I needed to marry a woman. I married a man. This is your life. Don’t you live in / near London?
O gosh, my sister did not get married til she was 48.
My family made her feel less than a woman. I told my sister to screw themselves. Be happy. Even my mom was pressuring her, my sisters. Screw them. It was her life. They don’t know how hard it was for her.
Now they feel sorry for her that she has no children. Again screw them. She is happy childless except when people talk down to her like - she doesn’t know how it feels to have kids. then I see her sad. Because of social pressures. But she is happy when she is not around the constant negativity.
(There should be the sound of mourning music, moans and snakes hissing) Man, I’ve been twice married and divorced, and IMHO the easiest way to kill a beautiful relationship is to get married. Sounds ridiculous I know, but it changes EVERYTHING. Obviously I wouldn’t try to speak to your situation, but I was gonna say it’s slow death, but sometimes it’s not even slow. Anyway that’s enough, but THINK before you make a commitment that is socially and LEGALLY binding. Good luck and God bless.
I do. But my extended family are from another planet. I think I’ll just be patient and work out if I even want marriage with anyone at all.
I think that is 100% reasonable. Be true to yourself on what you want and need.