Any locals around these parts?
No, but I am drinking a mini soda at the moment.
Lol that’s cute!
I am from the south western part of Minnesota.
I’m in dumpy central Illinois…not too far away.
I’m in Misery. (Missouri)
Grew up in Cali though.
I was born and raised in Burlington Iowa for the first thirteen years of my life. I like to move back to the Mississippi I have great memories of it as a child.
Tell me about minnesota. Im fascinated by the united states
I would say that Minnesota is one of the most beautiful states. Ten thousand lakes and very full with nature. The winters are cold and can be very long but the summers are so vibrant in color. When I was stationed in fort bragg north Carolina coming home was always a joy as the green in Minnesota is memorizing to the eye. I love the clear air and and black soil here as the ground is fertile for most plants and vegetation allowing many species of plants and animals to live here.
Powessey summed it up. I think Australia would be far more fascinating, but that’s because I live here…
Tell me about Australia, the part where you live. I know you have accents and kangaroos, koalas and that lizard that runs and spreads it neck flaps out.
I live in the outskirts of Melbourne. Its nice here peacefull. Lots of kangaroos where I live. They are dangerous when your driving as they always jump in front of cars. Always see dead kangaroos on side of road. Ive never hit one yet but I have ran over a wombat lol!! Ran right out in front of me. Live an hour from the beach. Melbourne is a nice city. Lots of cafes etc. The sporting capital of the world. Always a sporting event on in melb.
A wombat!? A wombat, I need to google that one. Interesting, the kangaroos are like deer here. Kangaroos seem a lot cooler then deer. I think Minnesota animals are a bit dull.
Wombats look funny. They’re fat. When I ran one over it broke the radiator on my car lol. Im gonna go to america on holiday one day. Florida, arizona, nevada and california are the states I want see. Anyone been here? Id also like to go to louisiana and eat chicken. Play in the swamps and drive hovercrafts.
I googled wombats and they are funny looking. California is my favorite, but everyone loves it. So it’s expensive and when I lived there it was hard to find work. Arizona, Nevada I think I have drove through and they are desserty. I like the whole west coast up to Seattle. Never been to Florida. New York would be cool, but I have such bad social phobia now that I would have to be drugged.
No, I’ve heard that Minnesota has a rather large population. I’m sure that Minnesota isn’t devoid of other people. It would get lonely if there was only one person living in that large an area.
NOT! You must be bored.
not from here but in here. in minnesota for some reason.
And you don’t know why???
me? yes I know why but not really I know how I ended up here but in the grand scheme of things not why because I don’t really like it here.
I’m sorry. Are you in the twin cities area?