Am I suffering physical or emotional pain?

Please explain. It just goes on and on and on endlessly. To feel bad for me after 30 years seems absurd. Is Life that sacred?

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Every day is a blessing. Go forth and make someone else smile if you can’t smile yourself.


Apparently, life is like that. As my brothers and I say, “If I were King, things would be different around here.”

During that 30 years did you try to do anything despite feeling bad? I say give the middle finger to feeling bad and just do something anyway


Is there only one imagination or do we each have our own?

We each have our own

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It’s a day later and I’m trying to accept things. I don’t have to understand everything. I don’t believe in pity anyhow, why should I ask? Be Strong for me is what I say. I’m fine.


Sometimes I feel emotional pain physically. I think they call it psychosomatic.

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