Can you see it ? Is it a planet? next to the moon
Okay…I thought my turkey delusion took the cake. But a ‘planet delusion’?
Hmmm…I suppose anything is possible these days.
Probably just specs of dust on the camera lens.
Ahh I never thought of that… i got bit overly happy it was a planet aha
Download Sky View Lite app
It’s a free phone app where you hold up to sky and it tells you what things are
OMG!!! the planet Ish
Planet Ish…
The Planet where everyone buys designer handbags and aren’t sure if they will marry their partner.
I checked it on the other camera I have and there is defo somethign there…
Probably a star, though soon there is supposed to be a comet visible.
If it was between 8-11 PM it was probably venus.
Maybe you just discovered a previously unknown planet. You’re going to be world famous. And I can brag to everyone I know, “Yeah, I knew Ish before she got famous. She used to a humble person but fame went to her head and now she has 50 pairs of shoes and 75 purses.”
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