Am I hired? Walmart (help)

So I applied to Walmart two days ago and today I called them to check if they were still hiring and the lady said yes. And she told me there was one position left overnight stocker. So I told her I’d do it then she said she would do the intake through the phone so I have her some info and she said she would call me back after 15min since the website is very busy and it wasn’t going through since they are hiring alot of people. After hanging up I got a email saying that I need to get background check and also another email saying what position I’m being offered and how much they pay etc also an orientation thing I had to sign telling me what I want my name badge to say like my first name or what I called back and some lady told me that this manager had left work and that I guess she was busy or forgot to call back since all Corona thing.she won’t back untill Thursday :confused: .but I’m confused if I’m hired or not yet . Anyone here with Walmart experience.

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You sound hired to me.


Me too…………………


Just follow up and do the things they ask you to do. Don’t pester them but also don’t let them forget about you.

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