Am I? AM I???
I think I am!!!
Am I? AM I???
I think I am!!!
Maybe you are in another dimension of parallel universe. But now here you exist
Hmm parallel dimensions, interesting theory.
Maybe dead is the same.
Yo one of my episodes I hallucinated myself dying. Like all the time. I saw myself die by getting beheaded everyday for months. Everything has felt like The Truman Show since and that was two years ago.
One panic attack I went to the er thinking it was a heart attack. 6 months later I “figured out” that I had died that night. Everytime I get psychotic I start believing it again.
Sometimes, it can help to avoid confronting the delusion and just look at how it affects you. Do you watch The Good Place? There is an episode where one character has a similar issue.
I don’t really watch tv
Well, in The Good Place, it is all about characters who have died and gone to the afterlife. Actually it might be triggeribg for you, but rhere is one episode in particular. One of the characters arrives and assumes that the whole thing is just a dream, so she does outlandish things because she is convinced there are no consequences. But she ends up being a huge jerk to the other people there. Another character talks with her about how, if she is right and it is a dream, she won’t lose anything by acting as though it is real. On the flipside, if she acts as though the world and the people in it are fake, but she is wrong, she is hurting herself and other real people.
So basically, suppose you are dead. Suppose none of this is real. Would it change how you behave?
You are probably alive. I had the same delusion. I ran into a wallcorner in a hospital head first by accident and wondered if that was the day I died. But I guess it’s a common delusion.
I watch that show! I still remember that show on Amazon Prine you recommended about the angel and demon. It was based on some books if I remember correctly.
Sorry to go off topic. I don’t think you’re dead. I don’t know about parallel dimensions, I guess it’s a possibility. I think it is as ninjastar said, we wouldn’t really know the difference anyway.
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