Am I addicted to klonopin now?

Yeah, some people that have seizures are on benzos for life. Same with some anxious people and insomniacs. There are risks, but because something bad can happen doesn’t mean it will happen. I’ve read from people on the net who’ve been on them for 20-30 years, its just become part of their life. I mentioned I had spams, I’ve only read one other person that had that problem so it seems rare. Everyone is different.

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I see… yeah, the klonopin helps my paranoia and anxiety, but my body conversion disorder too in fact… maybe I need it…
For the rest, I try to get better in my life now. But I was sick and alone for so long, that itll take time. My mind is smashed and probably quite numb now… but now I fight, not as before…yeah, no side effects on me from the klonopin…
I should become more “awake” I find in my mind… in my body too :blush: maybe it can be done even on klonopin, as zoa seems to think it :grinning:
Thanks for your answer @Headspark , it clarifies me a bit.
Yeah, my sz turned physical too and only the klonopin helps me a bit on this… I just have friends who doesn’t believe in the meds for me, but they dont know it all… it’s an illness, we need help… but yeap, the benzos are quite stigmatized here, idk…

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